13 August 2007


Another, and hopefully one of our last, big driving days. It is also the day we left Scotland. I’m a bit sad about that as it is been great here. Neil went to get the car this morning, which took ages because of some very stoopied people in the queue before him. On the plus side this car (a Fiat) has a big engine than the last one, which is good for passing people. We only got a bit lost trying to get out of Edinburgh. The first stop was Biggar, where I was hoping to find a mill shop of some really nice stuff I’d seen on the Royal Mile but I’d thought was a bit expensive. We found the mill but unfortunately it was a proper mill with no shop . The men didn't want sell as anything bugger it!
Back on the motorway, for ages, and down to Gretna. This was disappointing, along similar lines to Loch Ness. I did get a scottie t-shirt and take a few tacky for photos. They were nothing compared to the tacky photos the people getting married there can get (yuck)
We made a quick stop at the real Gretna and the I place and booked accom in the middle of the best preserved bit of the Hadrian’s Wall area, in a really friendly pup. The lady in the I place was fantastic she made the funniest map for us to follow to our accommodation.
When we arrived we had dinner which was reasonable and huge. So even though I was completely buggered we had to go for a walk before bed
During dinner we concocted our plan for the two weeks, between now and bath, which will hopefully mean we can be more restful and will be less tired.

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