04 August 2007


Today was the day of the tough choice: go to the Mey Highland games or the day bus tour to the Orkney’s. We chose the Orkney’s because we worked out we’d be able to go to the Skye games. Given the hangovers we both had (bloody Scots men) I’m not sure either would have been a good choice. I skipped breakfast in favour of more sleep. Neil had a few rocky moments whilst eating.
The ferry trip was….. interesting. Anyway, we arrived on the Orkney mainland. We got piled on to a bus and started our trip round the island. The driver was a native and interesting to listen to. The sites we saw were great but the bus trip and all the people really did detract from the place for me. We went to Stromness and Kirkwell, the tow main towns on the mainland, A really interesting stone village that was buried under sand for thousands of years, a stone ring from a similar time period and a church built by Italian prisoners of war. The bus driver reckoned you need a fortnight to see the Orkneys properly and I recon he wasn’t exaggerating. We missed a lot.
In Kirkwell we saw some people coming out of the main church there just after they had been married (very pretty, bloke in perfect tartan of course!) we went to a jeweller and got some on sale earrings, (no ring, still got the mankie hair tie)
The boat trip back was fine, then we fell in bed, unconscious.

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