18 August 2007

travel to York (nearly)

We knew today would be a long day in the car. We probable planned to do a few too many things between Ambleside and York.
First stop was the Dock Museum in Barrow-in-Furness. This was great and free!! Lots of cool model ships and info on the ship building trade in Barrow. Unfortunately our next attraction, a slate and silver jeweler fee through as it didn't seem like he liked to open on weekends. Bummer, oh well we have his web site.
Next we went to the Lake Inland Aquarium. I was a little disappointed with this. We didn't see the otter :( Next stop was the Fairfield mill craft center. This was a very pleasant surprise. We got to see a weaving machine in action, finally!! This meant we had to buy another rug :)
Next stop was Dent to find a brewery/pub, which we couldn't find, then we got lost. Really lost. The roads got thinner and thinner until there was even stuff in the middle of the road, it was still sealed but that was all it had going for it. We even came up to an intersection, where there was already a car that look lost. When we spoke to them, they also didn't know where they were. They were "loster" than us!!!! They went left , we went right. We worked out where we were in the end, but by that time it was still ~20 miles from York and is was well after 4pm. We had no accom booked and we were stuck behind a bus. I tried ringing places and had no luck, except for one place that said: "Tiny room, small bed £30 each". I said "No"
In the end as we drove into Knaresborough we saw a pub with a B&B £50 sign. We got a room there. Dinner and the sleep that followed it were OK.

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